Clinical Supervision for Health Professionals
By Online CBT and EMDR Therapist Jaime G. Miralles

Clinical supervision for health professionals has become an essential entity in various sectors of the medical profession. Clinical supervisors are employed to keep an eye on various aspects of hospitals and other health entities to ensure ethical behaviour and proper health management remains at the forefront of the industry.
Clinical Supervision for Mental Health Nurses
Mental health professionals’ duties, responsibilities and workloads have grown substantially over the past few years. Isolation from the negative effects of the pandemic and lockdown restrictions have emphasized the need for qualified mental health nurses, and allied professionals, and what we do for the people we work for. Currently, it is estimated that up to 50.07% of all UK residents claim their mental health is worse than it was at the beginning of the pandemic. The increase in mental health patients has put a strain on mental health nurses and many nurses are working increased hours to help out with short staffing concerns.
Clinical supervisors help alleviate the burden by providing a third-party insight to avoid the potential impact of difficult workload and ensure mental health nurses and patients continue to have productive, professional relationships.
Clinical Supervision for Nurses and Midwives
Likewise other professional midwives and nurses have been under stress to deliver high standards of care, following the NMC code of practice. Overworked, in a strained system, health professionals are in undertaking the difficult task to deal with patients’ needs and dealing with their own needs, but many times without the right clinical supervision support.

Clinical supervisors are available in these instances to offer a non-biased judgment based on facts and not emotions. The advice of clinical supervisors is often instrumental in day-to-day practice, as well as providing educational and counsel space to reflect in practice, which is central to the profession.
Clinical Supervision for Physiotherapists and other health professionals.
Injuries can take months or even years to heal and often, patients are sent to a physiotherapist for assistance with mobility challenges. A physiotherapist is experienced in movement and exercise that allows for proper healing while accounting for the need of maintaining muscle tone. Physiotherapists have been instrumental in providing physical therapy for post op patients and those who suffer from age related mobility challenges.
Although physiotherapists are instrumental in the healing process, clinical supervision is necessary to maintain physiotherapists own health and to be able to deal with the day-to-day difficulties, such as dealing with patients’ expectations. Neglecting the use of a clinical supervisor can lead to feelings of burn out and low job satisfaction.
How to Make the Most of Clinical Supervision for Health Professionals
Employing a qualified clinical supervisor or team of clinical supervision experts has become a vital part of every portion of the medical industry. However, if you are an independent health professional, and do not work for an organisation, you may be deprived of good quality clinical supervision.
Making the most of your clinical supervision means being transparent about your practice and how this impacts you. Therefore, if you are having regular clinical supervision you can communicate between your employer, doctors, nurses, patients, and work colleagues. Increased communication and an emphasis on looking after yourself and your practice, it is the way to make the most of your clinical supervision.

Clinical supervisors have a way of empowering professionals. They alleviate the strain of worrying over your practice, your workload, and the impact on you. Clinical supervision can also assist in providing with higher work satisfaction, and increase patients’ quality of care and opinion about the service. Even if an occupational therapist or nurse are providing the best possible service in their practice, a clinical supervisor can celebrate this with them and reflect about it. Hence, they can take it forward and apply it in future practice, so to replicate the good practice. Also, they can help health professionals to explore why certain times the same approach does not work.
A quality clinical supervisor is an instrumental part of any profession and is just another measure any modern practitioner can put in place to improve their practice and deliver care to the standards of care that their regulatory body expects.
Who Can Benefit from Clinical Supervision?
Employing a clinical supervisor benefit all involved in your care, your work place, and most importantly you.
Patients benefit from clinical supervision as the individual receives the best care they can expect. And this is being delivered by a through professional, who wants to reflect on their practice and to reduce the impact of the caseload
Clinical supervision makes sense these days and significantly benefits professionals, patients and services.
How does online clinical supervision help?

Not everyone works for a company or trust. Some prefer to be independent practitioner for many reasons. Hence, you may be missing out on quality supervision and experiencing the effect of this. Further to this, your practice and the people you care for may be impacted as well.
I deliver clinical supervision for health professionals, usually in a 4 to 6 weeks cycles or ad hoc sessions. I have worked as a Mental Health Nurse and Psychotherapist for many years, and since receiving clinical supervision my practice has improved and become easily to manage. Moreover, the impact on my personal life has reduced significantly.
If you want an honest conversation about clinical supervision, get in in touch to discuss your needs and decide on whether we could work together. You can go to my contact page or click the button below.