The Online Therapy Clinic

Online CBT Therapy and EMDR Therapy

BABCP Accredited and EMDR Therapists Online

Thank you for deciding to contact us about Online Therapy.

You may be looking to discuss Online CBT, Remote EMDR or Virtual CBT therapy.

Our email is:

[email protected]

If you would like to talk to an online expert therapist, and have a FREE 15 – 20 minutes consultation, about your difficulties, to discuss Online Therapy Treatments, such as Virtual CBT or Remote Therapy, please fill in the form below or send me an email.

It is important for you to write how you want to be contacted. So, you will need to provide your telephone number, Skype ID, Zoom ID or email.

We aim to answer within 72 hours of receiving your email or web-form. Please let me know at least 3 – 4 alternative days/times to contact you, so we can work around getting in touch easily.

Our telephone number may appear at a times as private number, when calling to answer enquires and for FREE consultation for online therapy. Please read important notice at the below before contacting me.

online cbt cost and cost of therapy Sessions

Important Notice

Before you contact, please be mindful this is not an emergency. If you need urgent help please contact your local mental health service, general practitioner or emergency services.

If you are based in UK you can call NHS direct on 08454647 or 111, or Samaritans on 116123.

Please only select Coporate/Business Consultation if you are a Business representative/HR professional/Business Owner. Thanks!

Accreditations and Memberships

Recognised by Health Insurances